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Our Terms of Use

All accesses to Segmentation Fault assets are monitored and logged. By accessing this site or any site owned and operated by Segmentation Fault, you consent to such monitoring.

Unauthorized access is defined by Segmentation Fault as any access to Segmentation Fault assets intended to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data stored on Segmentation Fault assets. Unauthorized access is also any access to Segmentation Fault assets intended to alter the flow of execution of Segmentation Fault devices, discovery or exploitation of vulnerabilities, and other attempts to gain unauthorized access to Segmentation Fault assets.

The nature of some of the products and services offered by Segmentation Fault are such that they could be used for malicious and illegal purposes. By using any of the resources, products or services offered by Segmentation Fault you acknowledge that you are doing so legally and are engaging in legitimate and legal activities for which authorization has been granted to you by any affected third party which you may be interacting with.

Segmentation Fault will cooporate fully with law enforcement officials if any of our products or services are being used unlawfully. Unauthorized access attempts to Segmentation Fault assets will be investigated and offenders will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

All content created by Segmentation Fault on this, or any other, Segmentation Fault owned site or resource is the exclusive property of Segmentation Fault and cannot be duplicated without express written consent from Segmentation Fault.

By utilizing any resources, products or services offered by Segmentation Fault you legally swear and proclaim that you will abide by the Terms of Use defined in this agreement, and that you will not use any of Segmentation Fault's resources, products or services to engage in any criminal activites.

The Segmentation Fault team eagerly welcomes the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead. Please contact us at and let us know how we can assist you.

© Segmentation Fault . All rights reserved.

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