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Security Affairs


Security Affairs Malware newsletter includes a collection of the best articles and research on malware in the international landscape. Security Affairs Malware newsletter includes a collection of the best articles and research on malware in the international landscape. Rhadamanthys Stealer Adds Innovative AI Feature in Version 0.7.0 Threat Actors leverage Docker Swarm and Kubernetes to […] Security Affairs Malware newsletter includes a collection of the best articles and research on malware in the international landscape. Security Affairs Malware newsletter includes a collection of the best articles and research on malware in the international landscape. Rhadamanthys Stealer Adds Innovative AI Feature in Version 0.7.0 Threat Actors leverage Docker Swarm and Kubernetes to mine cryptocurrency at scale   Evolving Threats: The Rapid Rise of macOS Stealers   Crypto-Stealing Code Lurking in Python Package Dependencies   MDR in Action: Preventing The More_eggs Backdoor From Hatching        Fake browser updates spread updated WarmCookie malware MASKDROID: Robust Android Malware Detection with Masked Graph Representations An In-depth Analysis of a Nation-Sponsored Attack: Case Study and Cybersecurity Insights  Model X-Ray: Detection of Hidden Malware in AI Model Weights using Few Shot Learning LEDA Layered Event-Based Malware Detection Architecture FIN7 hosting honeypot domains with malicious AI DeepNude Generators New Silent Push research       North Korean Hackers Using New VeilShell Backdoor in Stealthy Cyber Attacks perfctl: A Stealthy Malware Targeting Millions of Linux Servers SHROUDED#SLEEP: A **** Deep Dive into North Korea’s Ongoing Campaign Against Southeast Asia      Pig Butchering Alert: Fraudulent Trading App targeted iOS and Android users   Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and Facebook and Mastodon Pierluigi Paganini (SecurityAffairs hacking, malware)

Published: 2024-10-06T13:16:37

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